Curriculum Structure

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Required Courses

Life Science
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Course code Course Credit(s) attained
LIFS 1901 General Biology I 3
LIFS 1902 General Biology II 3
LIFS 1903 Laboratory for General Biology I 1
LIFS 1904 Laboratory for General Biology II 1
LIFS 1980 Guided Study on Biomedical and Health Sciences 1
LIFS 2010 Modern Approaches to Biochemical and Cell Biological Research 3
LIFS 2040 Cell Biology 3
LIFS 2210 Biochemistry I 3
LIFS 2220 Biochemistry II 3
LIFS 2901 Case Study on Biomedical and Health Sciences I - From Proposal to Practice 3
LIFS 3040 Animal Physiology 3
LIFS 3901 Case Study on Biomedical and Health Sciences IIA - Generation of Disease Models by Genome Editing 4
LIFS 3902 Case Study on Biomedical and Health Sciences IIB – Characterization of Disease Models by Omics 4
LIFS 3903 Case Study on Biomedical and Health Sciences IIC - Genome-wide Association Studies in Practice 4
LIFS 3904 Case Study on Biomedical and Health Sciences IID - Computational Analysis of Next-generation Sequencing Data 4
LIFS 4370 Human Genetics and Personalized Medicine 3
LIFS 4380 Pharmacology and Toxicology 3
LIFS 4966 Biomedical and Health Sciences Capstone Project 3
LIFS 4976 Biomedical and Health Sciences Project Research I 3
LIFS 4986 Biomedical and Health Sciences Project Research II 4
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Students are required to earn 9 credits from the following lists of courses, with at least 3 credits from each area.

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Course code Course Credit
LIFS 2070 Introduction to Biotechnology 3
LIFS 3002 Special Topics of Biological Sciences 2-4
LIFS 3060 Microbiology 3
LIFS 3070 Introduction to Biophysical Instrumentation 3
LIFS 3140 General Genetics 4
LIFS 3150 Biostatistics 3
LIFS 3180 Human Anatomy 3
LIFS 3190 Human Physiology 3
LIFS 3420 Introduction to Neurobiology 3
LIFS 3370 Human Genetics in Practice 3
LIFS 3580 Bioinformatics 3
LIFS 4000 Special Topics in Life Science 1-4
LIFS 4060 Immunobiology 3
LIFS 4090 Developmental Biology 3
LIFS 4140 Cancer Biology 3
LIFS 4170 Bioethics 3
LIFS 4320 Data Science for Biology and Medicine 3
LIFS 4540 Structure and Function of Proteins 3
LIFS 4550 Biochemistry of Nutrition 3
LIFS 4760 Biochemistry of Diseases 3
LIFS 4881 High Throughput Sequencing in Practice 3
LIFS 4950  Neurochemistry 3
BIEN 4110  Regulatory Affairs in the Healthcare Industry 3
CENG 4650  Biomaterials and Drug Delivery 3
CHEM 2111  Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 3
CHEM 2155  Fundamental Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM 2311  Analytical Chemistry 3
CHEM 2355  Fundamental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 1
COMP 2011  Programming with C++ 4
MGMT 1120  Developing the Leader in You 3
MGMT 1130  Traps and Pitfalls in Judgment and Decision Making 3
MGMT 2110  Organizational Behavior 3
SOSC 1960  Introduction to Psychology 3
SOSC 1969  Discovering Mind and Behavior 3
SOSC 1980  Psychology of Personal Growth 3
SOSC 1990  Research Methods in Psychological Science 3
SOSC 2240  Biological Psychology 3
SOSC 3900  Abnormal Psychology 3